ITECO Corporation

Business mission

Our aim is to become the largest logistics operator in terms of assets and vehicle fleet in Russia. Our multimodal services within all the economy sectors can replace our clients’ in-house logistic resources.

Social and public mission

Being one of the key players on the carriage market, we see our task
in constant development and efficiency increase.
Taking an active social position, we contribute to Russian transportation
market with transparency of relationships between all the logistics
chain members. By harmonization and organizing
cargo services we bring the industry to an entirely new level.
Russia is a huge country, where movement is life.
ITECO works for life’ sake.

Revenue from cargo carriage in 2018-2023
(millions of rubles including VAT)
* forecast



Convenience and reliability

Our main task is to offer the maximum level of comfort to our clients, assuring the maximum work stability. We understand that entrusting us with logistics chain procurement, our clients entrust us their business success. We are never going to disappoint our clients.

Stability for everybody

ITECO offers equally qualitative services for any client disregarding its business volume. The smallest ITECO client receives service as high as a giant industrial complex would. You can be sure that in a year, the agreement will contain the same points and impartially low rate. Everything will be the same as now. Only the service quality will be even better.


Shipping cargo in due time requires coherent work of a large team of experts and a tense and massive data analysis. Data analysis ability enables us to undertake fast and correct decisions. Organization, discipline and responsibility – these core qualities allow us to work successfully for our clients’ benefit.


We apply the state-of-the-art information technologies and managerial methods, offering our clients the most complete, convenient and reliable service. We strive to stay ahead, so that our cars were the first to reach the destination point.


ITECO is a large organization, but there are no small businesses or clients for us. Our scale doesn’t detain us from solving clients’ task quickly and promptly, providing them with the best service in the industry. This is possible due to our staff full involvement and their will to help our clients.

We are closer than you think! Just call our hotline +7 495 933 84 48

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