ITECO Corporation


ITECO is the leader of Russian agro-industrial logistics. Moreover, we have been able to revive industrial-level centralized crops moving system in Russia. Today, some of the largest Russian agricultural holdings of Central and Southern Federal districts are our clients. Agricultural industry experts realize the importance of having a reliable partner in logistics, because timely and clearly managed harvest shipment to the reprocessing plants is the crucial step defining crops preservation.

We offer a full service range, including logistics chain planning, risk analysis concerning crops shipment, export management. At the same time, our staff constantly maintains contact with a customer, monitoring situation, so we are always ready to amend operation plan for the customer’s benefit.

The first consultations

Usually, these are arranged half a year prior to the planned crops export time. At this stage, our experts familiarize themselves with the task and specific customer’s requirements. Considering the long years of experience, ITECO provide recommendations concerning optimum crops moving time and logistics chain management to minimize expenses from crops losses and vehicle downtimes.

Three months in prior

Three months prior the operation, the work plan is designed. Using customer’s data, ITECO experts plan the crops volume, type and number of vehicles most suitable for the task, and reserve them for the specified terms.

One month prior

One month prior the operation start, rates and contract conditions are coordinated. As the crops mature, our experts contact the customer to receive the most recent data concerning the field situation. If necessary, we amend the primary plan, if, for example, crops volume or export time has changed.

In due time

In due time, ITECO manages the efficient crops export and shipment to the reprocessing plant, performing the full control upon every stage and providing technical support. The last point is crucial: we arrange technical support to achieve fail-safe transportation, including overhauling and spare parts shipment.

The first consultations
Three months in prior
One month prior
In due time

Long-term cooperation with ITECO is beneficial for agricultural production manufacturers, because our company guarantees provision of critical integrated services, from constant client requirement analysis to crops export operation procurement.

We are closer than you think! Just call our free hotline 8 800 700 84 48

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