ITECO Corporation

Fighting CorruptionFighting CorruptionFighting Corruption

We have very straightforward attitude concerning corruption, and we want you to know about it. We are confident that price and quality are competitive advantages of a normal enterprise. In Russian environment, unfortunately, corruption has deeply infected logistics area, so ITECO frequently faces non-market obstacles to deliver our services to a client.

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Report corruption case

Inform us about a foul deal, and we will take actions.

If your company works with ITECO, you can be assured that your manager takes care of your business’ profitability and doesn’t receive kickbacks. In case we haven’t cooperated so far, perhaps your company’ logistics departments haven’t become transparent yet.

We maintain a stern principle: any corruptive schemes are equally unacceptable. ITECO doesn’t pay kickbacks to obtain contracts, it monitors our managers so they wouldn’t demand bribes from drivers to obtain more profitable orders and wouldn’t participate in collusions to increase shipping cost fictitiously. A manager, who hints additional payments for placing an order, commits a criminal offence legally as well as ethically – one phrase may undo years of his employers’ flawless activity.

Report a corruption case

Via telephone 8 800 700 84 48 Via email

You will find the special form above. In case you possess information concerning ITECO employee somehow involved in a corruptive deal, fill it in and submit. The data will be brought to company’ Chief executive officer, followed by mandatory organizational decisions. If you possess a proof of a corruptive collusion involving ITECO employees and you are ready to reveal your identity, we will compensate you all the losses incurred by our delinquent employee.

We are closer than you think! Just call our free hotline 8 800 700 84 48

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